The 60th Anniversary of JFK’s Inaugural Address
We are coming up on the 60th anniversary of JFK’s inaugural address, where the young President John F. Kennedy spoke the famous words: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
As we move on from one of the most divisive elections in our nation’s history, now is a good time for all of us to think about what we can do for our country. We live in a democracy and therefore, this is our government, this is our country, and We the People own our future.
Here is a list of things that people and groups can do to help our nation reach its potential:
- Know the FACTS surrounding the key issues our nation faces. So much of the anger that exists between Democrats and Republicans is because our political leaders have dumbed us down into tribal warfare, devoid of any facts. If you think climate change is a hoax, have your facts to back up your position. If you think taxes should be reduced and government spending is too high, know your facts. If you believe that as a nation we should be spending more on the Defense Department, know your facts so that you can have an educated conversation. My estimate is that fewer than 20% of Americans would pass a basic test on the real State of Our Union. If you want to know the facts about 16 of the biggest issues that face our country, you can download my book “Presidential Playbook, 16 Nonpartisan Solutions to Save America” for free, right here. It is great for adults and teens. It is a super simple read. Click here to download the book for free.
- Be ready to compromise. My good friend, Art Merovick, sent me a note the other day and he said, “Nobody gets everything they want. Nobody. We should be committed to differences, discussion, strenuous debate and the struggles that lead to workable, if not perfect, compromise. That commitment is a sacred necessity and it is what has served us, not always without hardship and disappointment, in the face of terrible challenges to find common ground, sometimes difficult to find, but always present.” If we want to move our country forward, we are going to need to compromise.
- Think for yourself. There are many media outlets that present the facts to their best ability. There are also media companies that make money by dividing us, by creating sensational headlines, and by creating tribes that hate each other. It is said that no candidate can win an election by asking for shorter sentences for criminals. It can also be said that no media company raised its ratings by promoting compromise and by giving credit to the other side. Make sure that you are not addicted to one partisan media outlet. Be open to new ideas. It is far better than the alternative.
- Put the country first and yourself second. Any great team is made up of players who put the team first and themselves second. When players do this, the team wins and the players reach their potential. Any great business is made up of employees who put the company first and themselves second. When employees put the company first, the company wins and in most cases, the employees win by earning more money, more responsibility and a great sense of pride. I believe the same is true for our country. If we can put ourselves second and the country first, then we can start to move the country forward. When we do this, all boats rise.
We have serious problems as a country:
- A virus that is out of control and already has killed more than 250,000 Americans.
- A national debt that has exploded over the last four years to total more than $27 trillion.
- A planet which is two degrees warmer today than it was 140 years ago.
- A nuclear threat which is greater than at any time in our history, according to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
- The largest gap between the rich and the poor that we have seen in over 50 years.
- A transportation system that is rated a D+ by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
- A prison system which has 655 of every 100,000 Americans locked up compared to 77 of every 100,000 people in Germany, and 39 of every 100,000 people in Japan.
- And the most unhealthy generation in American history. Over the last 60 years, the average American has gained over 30 pounds, and we now have the highest health care cost per person in the world, with the worst results among industrialized nations.
All of these are facts. As Americans, we should be embarrassed by the current state of our nation. The good news is that we have more potential than we have ever had. But in order to reach that potential, we need to face the brutal FACTS. And we all need to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.